
IT'S A ...

GIRL! :)
Yes, we are having another baby girl! We are SO excited! Both of us were really excited for our appointment today. We really didn't have a preference at first b/c we already have one of each and see the wonderful things about both sexes, but once the tech said, "it's a girl!" we were both SO happy and excited. It's nice because having a boy last, it's been longer since experiencing having a baby girl (ally will be 6 in October!).
Ally was elated! And Tommy was very excited also, although I don't think he really cared all that much whether the baby was a boy or a girl. We took them out to dinner tonight and told them together. Ally kept saying that she wants a girl, so she was really happy. We talked about names. We're kicking around a few at the moment. Natalie is probably the one that we're most strongly considering. It means "born at Christmas" or "Christ's birthday" (depending on which book you look at), which is kind of neat since my due date is so close to Christmas. And it sounds good with all of our names. I also like Madeline and Matt likes Emma. So we'll see, but for now, those are the top 3.
Here are pictures! :)

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