
Introducing Natalie Corinne

Gift from my friend, Melissa, and her family

Natalie Corinne was born on Wednesday, December 17th at 6:35pm. She weighed in at 6 lbs 9 oz and 19 inches long. She is just precious and we thank God for such a wonderful blessing!!

We had a little scare at first. She came out with the cord wrapped around her neck and was in respiratory distress, requiring oxygen for about 30 minutes and monitoring/warming for an additional 30 minutes. Thank God that she is healthy and doing well now!!

The induction started at 6am, although i wasn't hooked to Pitocin until 8:30am or so. I was stuck at 4cm for 9 hours. At 5:20pm or so, I finally was 5.5cm. Thirty minutes later, i was 9.5 . At that time the doctor noticed that her heartrate kept dropping to 70 bpm, but would recover relatively quickly. Normal is between 120-160, so the doc decided to get everything ready to deliver even though i wasn't 100% complete. When i started pushing, the heartrate dropped to 60 bpm and was not recovering after the contractions were over like it was before. The doctor decided to use the vaccuum to get her out. It was kind of scary b/c Matt and I could see the panic in the doctor's eyes. Especially when she yelled, "get the house pediatrician and Dr. feit up here". Natalie didn't cry when she came out so Matt didn't get to cut the cord and I didn't get to see her for what seemed like forever. They rushed her to the warming bed and started her on oxygen immediately. She had no muscle tone, which means when they would raise her arms or legs, she wouldn't react. They would just flop down beside her. They didn't tell me much of what was going on, so i just listened as closely as i could. I did hear them say that her color was coming back, and Matt didn't think her color ever looked very blue, so i was glad to hear that it seemed like she was getting better pretty quickly. Then finally, i heard some whimpers. What a sweet sound!! They weren't big cries, so they still had to work on her, but at that point I was glad to hear anything.
They worked on her for about 30 minutes before deciding that she was healthy enough to remove the oxygen. They decided to leave her in the warming bed for an additional 30 minutes just to warm up and monitor her.
I was SO excited to hold her when they finally brought her to me. It felt like forever! I was so glad to hold her and tell her how much I loved her and how long we had waited for her. She was perfect!


Dana Tate said...

Congrats. Your family is beautiful.

Heidi said...

Oh, she is beautiful! Congratulations!