
Swimming with Friends

Today we went swimming with some friends of ours. It was so much fun! I haven't gone swimming in so long. I don't even own a suit! I had to find some shorts and t-shirt to wear. lol Oh well, the kids didn't care and we had such a great time.
It was with our friend Amy and her two boys. She was house sitting for a friend of hers and invited us to come swim at the homeowner's pool. It was such a nice pool. And great for the kids. They had a blast! It was only 5 ft deep, so it was perfect b/c i could touch the ground everywhere to make sure that i could always be right there in case they needed me. They both had waterwings, but you never know. Ally loved it, but as usual, was very timid. She didn't want to leave the steps and pretty much played on the edge of the pool dipping her feet in or on the steps. Tommy liked being in the water, but not w/o a round innertube. A few times he would let me hold him out in the middle of the pool, but he was definitely more comfortable on the side or in the innertube.
We had a great day!