

Here's a picture of Natalie's Hydronephrosis. Notice the size difference between the two pictures. The one on the left shows how the fluid is affecting her kidney.

We had her in to get the ultrasound on her kidney on 12/31. On 1/2, the report was back to the pediatrician and they started her on a strong dose of antibiotics as a precautionary measure. She will be on these for a minimum of 1 month, possibly longer. This is because kids with Hydronephrosis get kidney/urinary tract infections easily and if unnoticed, it can cause kidney damage.
The pediatrician referred us to a specialist at Children's Hospital, who we are seeing today. The radiology report states that she has Severe Hydronephrosis with thinning of the parenchymal wall and dialation of both the upper and lower pole moieties. The right kidey is 6.6cm and the left is 4.9cm. There is a question of a duplicated ureter, (which means that there might be two tubes going from the kidney to the bladder (there are supposed to be one on each side). When this happens, many times the urine will go down on tube and back up the other tube, causing the kidney to flood.) They will probably do a test where they will inject dye into her urinary tract to see where it ends up going. This will confirm or deny their suspicions. I will update after the appointment.

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