
Ally's first day of Kindergarten!

Today was Ally's first day of Kindergarten! It is bitter sweet. I can't believe she's old enough for Kindergarten, but yet on the other hand i know that she's a smart cookie and will do great! She didn't even seem upset when I left today. She kept asking when I was going to pick her up, so i think as long as she had an idea of when I would be back she was fine. I showed her what 11:30am looks like on the clock, so i think that helped.
She sat down at her chair and started working on playdough. She loves playing with playdough, so it was nice to see her excited to start her first day.
Here are two pictures of her in her uniform. She looked so cute! :)

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I can't believe our "babies" are in Kindergarten! Aimee loves her class, and is so excited to be going to school. I'm Glad Ally is doing well, too.