
20 week u/s

Well, we loved seeing my little angel, but she wasn't very cooperative...We were there for about 1 hour and 20 minutes and Natalie just would not move in the right position. The tech couldn't get pictures of all 4 chambers of the heart or the sagittal view of the spine. i will have to go back in 2-4 weeks go get this done again.

The tech couldn't tell me if everything is okay or not regarding the images she did get. She said she's not allowed to say either way. My OB is supposed to be in tomorrow and will have looked at my u/s and call me.

My OB was out delivering a baby and wasn't there to meet with me after my u/s, which is what normally would happen. My sister was surprised that the tech couldn't tell me anything, but I guess if something were wrong they would want the doctor to tell the patient so that the patient could get questions answered.

The tech did tell me that natalie's heartrate was 143bpm and she is in the breech position (hope she flips in the next 4 months) right now. She double checked that she is a girl and we did get quite a few pictures of her. She also switched transducers so she could show her to us in 3D. She's still pretty small, so it was a little hard to see all her features, but she sure looked cute!

I have to go back so they can get more pictures in 2-4 weeks. I will make my appointment after talking with my OB tomorrow.

Please pray that nothing is wrong!

I will post pictures later

1 comment:

melissa said...

I'm sure everything is fine. Try and stay positive sweetie. Those techs aren't allowed to say anything they could loose their job if they did. I know that. I know with Cierra when I was getting ultrasounds with her weekly the tech couldn't say anything and it was really scary b/c thats all they did was spend time in those areas. Then waiting to talk to the dr making sure all was ok. I will say prayers but I'm sure little Natalie is fine. Just try not to worry to much till there is someting to worry about b/c thats not good for you nor her. Love you!
Melissa Schmidt