
Nuchal Translucency Scan results

Little Baby with it's hands up to it's mouth

We went back for the repeat NT scan today since the baby wouldn't cooperate on Monday. I am happy to report that the baby cooperated today. :) The measurement is 1.8mm, which is very good. They want it to be under 3mm at this point in pregnancy, so they said 1.8mm is excellent. :) YAY! I should get my blood test results soon, which will tell us our risk of having a baby with Trisomy 13, 18, or 21. I expect my risk to be low, but i'm sure i'll feel much better when i hear back from the doctor.

The baby looked good. He/She wasn't very active, but at least turned in the position we needed him/her to be in. And we did see the baby moving his/her hands and arms and stretch his/her feet out, which was so cute! :) This baby is so cozy and calm in utero...hopefully this means i'll have a nice, easy, calm baby. ;) lol The heart rate was 160 bpm, which is good.

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